Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alexander The Great

Alxander The Great was truely an extraordinary hman being. He defeated the Persian empire and took over all of their land. At the time the Persians were the largest nation around and Alexander led a group of drunk soldiers into battle and came out victorious despite being heavily outnumbered as well. Once conquering the Persians Alexander still wanted more and expanded Greece to India. Alexander was even believed to be the son of Zeus. He even made a bridge using his own naval ships to cross a straight and get revenge on the Persians. He was the man who mastered the military strategy of Phalanx. To make thi gs even better for Alexander, at a young age he was able to tame the horse Bucephalus, who was supposed to be untameable by any man, and he did it as a boy. Being an ordinary American high school student I would say that Alexander The Great was extraordinary, especially due to the fact that he did all of this by age 33.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm with you on all of it, but the son of Zeus part. How exactly would we greet someone who made that claim today? Imagine any of the candidates for President making such a claim...Would that be any different for the people then hearing him say this over and over? Check plus
