Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Response #9

Things in China are not looking good. They are starting to look better, but not good. All of the pollution in China, whether in the air or water, is killing their people, wildlife, and land. People living by rivers get diagnosed with cancer because they drink and bathe in heavily polluted water. Also i am not too concerned about North Korea having launched a missile successfully. I believe them having a nuke would just be a defense to other nukes, and that they would not use it unprovoked.

Weekly Reflection #8

I did not believe the people presenting these tooics were experts. However, they did help me better understand their topic. The visuals and facts helped out with understanding, but the group activities did not. I think I did not do well on this project. I was given too much freedom and too little structure, and did not know how to handle that. The next time I did this assignment, I think i would pick a different topic...

Weekly Reflection #7

China is a nation that claims to have free speech, but I feel that it is not completely free. China reacts very harshly to dissidents and I do not agree with their treatment. I think the One Child Policy is a little bit much to ask, but it is definitely necessary. China is clearly trying to show that their government is very controlling, even though they claim to the rest of the world that they have personal freedoms. This week I also enjoyed sharing with the class what everyone felt were the most important human rights.

Weekly reflection #6

I feel like relations between Taiwan and China will not go the way we played it out in our game. I do feel that there could be a severe threat of a war or missile launches between the two nations, but I do not think there would be as much talking between the two. I feel that the TED Talk on the issue was a pretty accurate scenario, but i do not want any conflict in this area due to the innevitability of US involvement.