Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Marx and Engles

One of the positive points these men brought up was The equal splitting of the labor. With everybody doing the same amount of work it will lead to a happier society. The next positive point was free education and the destruction of child labor. Child labor is far too much work and is unnecessary, children should only learn at a young age and work when they are physically and mentally ready for it. All of the factories being owned by the state is a good point due to the fact that the owner of the company can not think he is above all of the workers. With the state being in control there will be no fellow worker on top, so it keeps all workers feeling equal. Keeping a banking monopoly also serves as a pretty good point because if the people in charge of the money began to slack off, the result could be catastrophic. I feel that destroqying the rights toinheritance is a very bad idea. People can still be entitled to things that their family owned and it is not right to keep them from those possessions. I also feel that giving the state all means of communication could possibly result in only appealing information from around the world reaching the general public. I do not feel that a heavy income tax is necessary as well. I also feel that agriculture and manufacturing should be kept separate. I just feel like they are too different to be combined completely.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Revolutionary Men

All of the pictures of these men have papers and writing utensils involved. This could be either to show that all of these men are educated, or it could be to show that they are always working on provisions they plan to make to the government. Also 3 of the 4 men have swords with them. This could express that they are willing to become violent in order to get their way, or that they are warriors who are trying to push new ideas with force and reason. The artists portray the men with these features to show that the men really want to make a change and will do anything they can to make a new government. This should show the future generations how bad these Revolutionaries wanted change and the future generations should not take their government for granted. These men need to seem heroic because they brought an important change about for their everyday citizens. I feel that the authors portrayed everyone except for Marat as looking heroic because they are all standing up straight looking somewhat heroic in their posture. Marat just sort of looks like he is suffering and wants an end to it.